Timothy Callaghan
Area of Study: Biological Sciences and Political Science
Home: Manchester, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Ladewig, Political Science
Alumni Mentor: Richard Twilley ('96, '04 Law), McCarter & English LLP
While at UConn: Alternative Breaks Trip Director/Student Coordinator ~ Chairperson for the Community Outreach Sustainability Committee ~ Selected as a Presidential Fellow for the Center for the Study of the Presidency in Washington DC ~ Honors Program

Stephen Pelletier
Area of Study: Public Policy
Home: Mansfield, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Ken Dautrich, Public Policy
Alumni Mentor: Richard Twilley ('96, '04 Law), McCarter & English LLP
While at UConn: Emerging Leader Award Recipient ~ Mentor for the Leadership Learning Community ~ Student leader in HOLDUP! ~ Member of the College Independents ~ Campaign Finance Intern and Congressional Intern for Congressman Joe Courtney

Stephan Darden
Area of Study: Actuarial Science
Home: Hamden, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Paul Gaines, Student Activities
Alumni Mentor: Steve Rogers (’73, ’78 MBA), Subway Development Corp. of New England
While at UConn: First generation college student ~ Senior Peer Advisor in Student Support Services ~ Co-taught a Peer counseling course ~ Resident Assistant ~ Member of the National Society of Black Engineers ~ EXPLORE program

Sarah DeAngelo
Area of Study: Human Development Family Studies
Home: Atkinson, NH
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Rachel Larson, Career Services
Alumni Mentor: Annette Lombardi (‘76), Dept. of Social Services
While at UConn: Career Resource Assistant ~ Section Leader at Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts ~ Mentorship Chair for Huskies Away From Home ~ Involved with the Family Studies Undergraduate Committee ~ UConn Connects Facilitator ~ Explore program

Sarah Harris
Area of Study: Pre-Education/History
Home: Portland, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Lease Butts, Undergraduate Research/Honors
Alumni Mentor: Kathy White (’78, ’87 Neag), Mansfield Middle School
While at UConn: EXPLORE program ~ Honors Program ~ Student instructor for UConn Connects ~ Volunteer for Windham Region No Freeze Homeless Shelter ~ Member of HOLDUP! high school leadership development program ~ Participated in London study abroad program

Romana Haider
Area of Study: Political Science/Expected Human Rights
Home: South Windsor, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Dr. Bandana Purkayastha, Liberal Arts and Sciences
Alumni Mentor: Heather Rhoades ('96,'99 Law), Cummings and Lockwood
While at UConn: Interned with an immigration lawyer ~ Completed a field experience with migrant workers in Connecticut ~ Honors Council ~ Honors Alternative Spring Break ~ Assistant Director of the Cross-Cultural Connections group ~ UNESCO Student Ambassador ~ Presented at the National Collegiate Honors Council

Nina Sacco
Area of Study: Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Home: North Haven, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Glen O’Keefe, Bursar
Alumni Mentor: Jennifer Ryley Welsh ('90), Mitchell College
While at UConn: Honors student ~ Member of Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman Honor Society ~ Interned at the Innovation Accelerator (Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation) ~ Interned at Target (Executive Leadership Program) ~ Supervised teaching assistants in First Year Programs! Student worker at the Bursar’s office ~ First-generation college student

Rafael Perez-Segura
Area of Study: Economics/Political Science
Home: Storrs, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Richard Langlois, Economics
Alumni Mentor: Dan Parzych ('93), Data Solutions
While at UConn: UNESCO Student Ambassador ~ Intern with UNESCO Chair at UConn ~ Member of UConn’s Model UN ~ Led human rights workshops for middle school students ~ Member of the Ballroom Dance Team

Melanie Rodriguez
Area of Study: Elementary Education-English
Home: Bridgeport, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Dr. Xae Reyes, Education
Alumni Mentor: Kathy White ('78, '87 Neag), Mansfield Middle School
While at UConn: Cstudent leader position at the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center, Melanie is the coordinator for the K.U.B.E. outreach program that assists minority elementary students with school work and life skills. In addition she has helped PRLAAC win the Moral Award in UConn’s HuskyThon as the coordinator. Melanie is also a resident assistant and a first-generation college student.

Kaitlin Heenehan
Hometown: Hamilton Square, NJ
Degrees at UConn : B.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, May 2011
Degrees Elsewhere: M.A. Ed Virginia Tech, Higher Education, 2013
Occupation: UConn Honors Program, Program Coordinator
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Lease Butts, Undergraduate Research/Honors
Alumni Mentor: Steve Wolfberg ('81), Cronin and Company, LLC
While at UConn: Honors student ~ Facilitator for the Honors INTD Seminar ~ Service co-chair in the Sophomore Honors Living Community ~ Honors mentor ~ Awarded the prestigious Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship ~ Interned at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ~ Inductee of Phi Beta Kappa ~ Volunteered with America Reads and Counts, the Husky Ambassador Program, and the Voices of Freedom Gospel Choir
UConn Memory: It is so difficult to pick just one, but all of my favorite UConn memories share one common theme: sharing my love of UConn with people I love the most. Whether it was family weekend with my parents and sister, football games with my friends, speaking at Open House to thousands of students and families, or celebrating my graduation at the same time as my grandmother's 90th birthday (with almost 20 extended family members present), all of these rise to the top of my list because they revolved around sharing my love of UConn with others!
Favorite Legacy Memory: I loved every moment of whitewater rafting; it was challenging, fun, and I remember having wonderful conversations before, during, and after this experience with some of my cohort-mates. However, I think the experience I learned the most from was the feeling of failure (and processing through that) after the U.S. Army Leadership Reaction Course. All of that being said, my favorite memories are actually the discussions we had at bi-weekly meetings. I always left feeling inspired and excited; these meetings were the best part of the experience.
Legacy in your current career: I use these lessons everyday as I seek to facilitate some of these same experiences and teach some of the same lessons that I learned in Legacy with the students I currently work with at UConn. In graduate school, I was able to pull from my experiences in Legacy (and particularly from taking StrengthsFinder because Virginia Tech was looking to become a "strengths campus" when I arrived). It is wonderful to see the connections, and I wish I had been taking more notes at the time I was in Legacy because I would honestly love to be able to replicate some of the details of the activities and experiences I had in Legacy. I am so grateful for my experience, and I attribute part of my passion for giving back through the field of higher education to the Leadership Legacy Experience.

Matthew Turner
Area of Study: Business Management
Home: Colorado Springs, CO
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Paul McCarthy, Athletics
Alumni Mentor: John Driscoll ('81), Webster Financial Advisors
While at UConn: Youth counselor at the United States Air Force Academy ~ Volunteered at Penrose Hospital ~ Division-I athlete (Men's Hockey) ~ Elected to the All-Academic Team ~ Named the Alternate Captain ~ Participated in many outreach activities such as "Skate with the Huskies" and "Husky Reach"

Elizabeth Fedorko
Area of Study: Animal Science/Pre-Vet
Home: Trumbull, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Dr. Steve Zinn, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Alumni Mentor: Jennifer Ryley Welsh ('90), Mitchell College
While at UConn: Captain of the equestrian team ~ Teaching assistant in the UConn Horse practicum program ~ Works for/Member of the College of Agriculture and Natural Rescources (CANR) College Ambassador group ~ Resident Assistant ~ FYE Mentor

William David Lindsay
Area of Study: Biomedical Engineering/Physics and Neurobiology
Home: Brookline, NH
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: William Bailey, Chemistry
Alumni Mentor: John Driscoll ('81), Webster Financial Advisors
While at UConn: Honors student ~ Studied the effects of Deep Brain Stimulation surgery on Parkinson’s disease ~ Created and directed a summer internship program for the Chief of Neurosurgery at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Boston, MA ~ , Worked as a researcher at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center ~ Volunteered for New Hampshire Teen Institute ~ Pianist and saxophonist ~ Served on the Board of Directors for the Mansfield Development Project

Arben Mustafa
Area of Study: Economics/Political Science
Home: Bridgeport, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Leo Lachut, Student Support Services
Alumni Mentor: Sean O'Connell ('83, '92 MBA), General Electric
While at UConn: Vice President for the Albanian Student Association ~ Helped host a conference for the Albanian community ~ First-generation college student ~ Mentor for Student Support Services ~ Helped raise scholarships for Albanian students attending UConn ~ Kosovo citizen

Danielle Lanslots
Area of Study: Environmental Science
Home: Stamford, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Robert Thorson, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Alumni Mentor: Sean O'Connell ('83, '92 MBA), General Electric
While at UConn: Member of the EcoHouse Learning Community ~ Intern at the Office of Environmental Policy ~ Assistant coordinator of Alternative Breaks ~ Received the Academic Excellence Award in Biology

Alexandra Kuehnle
Area of Study: International Security/Political Science
Home: Durham, CT
Faculty/Administrator Mentor: Matt Farley, Community Outreach
Alumni Mentor: Jeff Ment ('89), Rome McGuian, PC
While at UConn: Student Coordinator for Community Outreach Public Relations ~ Chair of the CO Executive Board ~ Resident Assistant for the Community Service Learning Community ~ Founded the UConn chapter of Silver Wings ~ Silver Wings Northeast Region President ~ Campus Campaign Coordinator for Teach For America